
The most important project … to me


Down's Syndrome


Graham Miller

This blog was always intended as a personal record of my two years as part of the MA programme and today I’m feeling pretty low in that as optimistic and passionate I am about 6% I’m not seeing that coming from anybody else. That is except for the families that have taken part who are all wonderful,my great friend Neil who has already made a generous donation towards the book despite tough business times and my wife and family who see what this means to me and are always at my side.I owe it to them to make sure that the message gets out as widely as possible and yet on the other side of the equation it seems, and I shouldn’t be surprised by this, that everyone else is only in it for themselves. I’m not naming and shaming but its a huge disappointment to me that others can’t share  my motives and do it for the cause. Those who should be supportive just are not.  I’ve deliberately kept my name out of the project as this is not about me making a name for myself. Its about challenging stigma.

I have two more shoots this weekend and I cannot wait. I love working with honest people so willing to open up their very private lives to me. I feel privileged and at the same time responsible to do the best job I can for them.

I have some thinking to do this weekend regards the way forward and that may mean disappointing some people for the greater importance of the project. Once again I find myself recalibrating my thoughts about humanity as a whole and the more I think about it the more ugly the whole thing appears.

Whatever happens I’ll stay true to the aims of the project and it will deliver on its aims……

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