
Last roll of Kodachrome


Photographic Technique


Graham Miller



The article about ‘The last roll of Kodachrome’ BJP, Jan 2011 seems to deliver a whole heap of irony which is hinted at but not fully explored. Of course photographers are using digital backs with film cameras in the way polaroid backs were used in the past but to use ‘a digital SLR to evaluate light and the composition thoroughly before every shot’ seems, at least to me, to be contrary to the rationale behind this particular project.

Digital photography, and I too am a user, is complicit in the death of film materials and so maybe a little harsh that it now be indellibly linked with the last use of this great product.  Its a little like standing by just to make sure the coffin is closed and nailed shut.  Although not mentioned in the article I’d be interested to know if this was intentional on the part of Steve McCurry. In visiting prior locations would it not have been more appropriate to take the approach he has done previously or was he also trying to illustrate how things have moved on?

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