
Its six percent all the way..


Down's Syndrome


Graham Miller

This weekend is wall to wall six percent as I really knuckle down to making the selections for the book and listen to all the recorded audio so that I can add appropriate captions.  Its been a ten hour day already but thankfully my enthusiasm is undimmed.  We met the gallery on Wednesday and the curator was so bowled over with the work he vowed to find space for the launch March 21st which is World Down Syndrome day. Its put the fire back in my belly. Difficult choices to be made over the pics I’ll use.  Didn’t realise until I’d completed Sylvia’s story that it would be 14 pages !! Maybe the 120 – 140 page target isn”t going to be as tough as I thought.

Interviewed and photographed Bryan, Camerons dad on Thursday night and we cried together with the pain and joy of what he had to say.

Pushing back Eve’s story as I know the choices there will be so difficult.

Sipping a glass of Scotch and time to shut up shop for the night.  I’ll be back at my desk 8am Sunday.


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